Yesterday I behaved badly. And when my master was screaming at me with those red big eyes I remembered the anime Appleseed. After that I think I was unsconscious for a bit. And with a terrible headache...
Appleseed is a science fiction manga authored by Masamune Shirow. The series follows the adventures of ESWAT members Deunan Knute and Briareos Hecatonchires in Olympus.
Like much of Masamune's work, Appleseed merges elements of the cyberpunk and mecha genres with a heavy dosage of politics, philosophy, and sociology.
The series spans four volumes, released between 1985 and 1989. It has been adapted to direct-to-video movie, two feature films, and a series of video games.
The first image is the poster for the first film (the only one I've watched until now) released in 2004. It is based on the characters created by Masamune Shirow in the original Appleseed manga series that was published in 1985. Although it shares some characters with the original series, this film's storyline is not connected to it. It is not to be confused with the 1988 OVA also based on the manga.

And this one is for the sequel released in 2007:

This kinda remind me of that American thing they call Robocop. Of course this one is so much better than that...
I hope to find the time to watch the sequel, maybe when my master goes out for shopping.
Ebichan crosses fingers...